Programme 2015
Panel 1 – Comparing the Market – Never ending touring opportunities
A never ending discovery of new markets and opportunities, this panel has become the start of many exciting connections and tours. Receiving feedback from several people in the industry sharing their great experiences of the shows in all these relatively new places to perform has helped consolidated this panel’s position as the opener of the day.
Not only are UK based acts penetrating countries and audiences previously thought unable to be entertained by English language shows, local Comedy scenes are developing and this multilingual talent is finding their way to audiences worldwide. The discussion is open; we welcome success stories and bold plans from the panel as well as from the creative entrepreneurs in the room.
Tom Bertels (Chair), (Belgium)
Gil Uliamperl, Sabres Group Ltd (Israel)
Bjorn Wentlandt, Avalon Promotions Ltd
Geoff Whiting, Mirth Control
Rizal Kamal, LOL Events Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)
Panel 2 – Production values in Comedy – Do’s, Don’ts and musts
It’s essential at every level of show, part of every budget, yet sometimes the execution is better than others. How to produce the perfect Comedy show? From backdrop, via comfortable seating to the perfect sound for everyone in the room, pub or arena – the show must go on and it must be safe. A good experience will encourage the act and the audience to come back.
Between them our panellists have seen or worked in a vast range of venues and events worldwide. We expect lively tales, tips and top secrets and of course contributions from everyone in the room.
Alex Rochford (Chair), The Producers UK
Nick Handford, Mick Perrin Worldwide
Niall Forde, Islington Council
Gavin Arnold, Chambers Management
Alex Petty, Laughing Horse
Panel 3 – The Brand, The Artist, The Venue, The Festival – Identity, value and endorsements
In the old days it was relatively simple – TV exposure was a great way of getting regional venues to book comedians, venues were called by their name and a website review would stay up for years and dominated a web search. Maybe not all ideal, but it was pretty transparent. Now things are a bit more complicated. YouTube has transformed into almost mainstream and worldwide distribution, venues/festivals/awards/ competitions are called by their sponsor name and everybody can tweet their opinion into an instant review.
How difficult is it now to develop a brand and control it? If you look at the Comedian as the core brand, with the right management a marketing strategy can be planned. Who is responsible for and involved in the execution of these plans? What is the value of a brand, how to measure this and how to protect it when things go wrong or bad press in generated? How can endorsements and partnerships help lift all parties to a commercial success? We have a panel of experts and a room full of experiences to debate all this. Will 90 minutes be enough?
Dr Kirsty Fairclough-Isaacs (Chair), University of Salford (UK)
Caroline Taylor, Sparkle Productions Ltd
Rollo Goldstaub, Google Ltd / YouTube
James West,
Christopher Hogg, Institute of Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurial Studies
Panel 4 – The Comedy genre at large – Stand up and so much more
At the Comedy International Conference the focus has mainly been on Live Stand Up Comedy, dipping in and out of related genres. In this final panel of the day we would like to discuss the broader market, including genres such as Sketch, Character Comedy, Stage Plays, Improv, Variety / Cabaret, Ventriloquism or Silent Comedy. In the UK Variety is currently going strong, with shows often including a stand up act on the bill. In parts of continental Europe there is still and strong Klein Kunst tradition alongside the relatively new Stand up scene and despite the rapid spread of English as a second language non-spoken Comedy is sometimes easier to break in a market. We would like exchange our knowledge in how these genres interact with Stand up, discuss how audiences developing an interest in the wider Comedy genre, how this works worldwide.
Julian Hall (Chair), Textual Healing
Adam Dahrouge, London Sketch Comedy Festival
Eric Looge, [PIAS] Comedy
Jules Munns, The Nursery Theatre Ltd
Alexander Parsonage, Finger in the Pie
Report 2015
At request of the delegates we continued to keep the doors closed for media. Media were welcome to attend and participate in the discussions, but we asked them not to report on what was said in order to enable attendees to speak freely. Though we would like to share information, we feel a lot of the content discussed is more valuable within the context of the day and we would encourage Comedy professionals to attend and participate in person. The photo gallery can viewed here.
Partners 2015
Associate Partner
eps holding gmbh
Ticketing Partner
Sponsor Drinks Reception
Pleasance Theatre
The Tour Company
Delegates 2015
Please find the delegates’ lists for 2015 below.
First Name | Last Name | Company | Country | Category |
Isabelle | Adam | Comedy Club 4 Kids | UK | Producer |
Krissie | Akrill | Plug | UK | Venue |
Mehdi | Aoustin-Sellami | Royal Albert Hall | UK | Venue |
Gavin | Arnold | Gavin Arnold/Chambers Mgt | UK | Other |
Charlotte | Austin | CatFace Talent | UK | Agent |
Pedja | Bajovic | Komedija s nogu (AETAS) | HR | Other |
Tom | Bertels | Live Comedy Belgium | BE | Promoter |
Mark | Boosey | British Comedy Guide | UK | Media |
Charlie | Briggs | SSE Arena, Wembley | UK | Venue |
Daniel | Brown | AXS | UK | Other |
Anne-Marie | Callaghan | Ticketmaster UK Ltd | UK | Other |
Joe | Calnan | AXS | UK | Other |
Victoria | Calvert | Really Useful Theatre Group | UK | Venue |
Phil | Chippendale | Big Phil | UK | Manager |
Michael | Clapham | Perfect Strangers Comedy | UK | Promoter |
Pete | Coppola | Billabong Comedy Club | UK | Promoter |
Adam | Dahrouge | London Sketch Comedy Festival | UK | Festival |
Wouter | de Wilde | Greenhouse Talent Netherlands | NL | Promoter |
Emma | Donaghy | Mick Perrin Worldwide | UK | Promoter |
Jill | Edwards | Jill Edwards Comedy Workshops & Comic Boom comedy club | UK | Promoter |
Kirsty | Fairclough-Isaacs | University of Salford | UK | Other |
Ben | Ferris | Madcap Comedy | UK | Promoter |
Niall | Forde | Islington Council | UK | Other |
Flavia | Fraser-Cannon | Finger in the Pie / The Nursery | UK | Producer |
Rollo | Goldstaub | Google / YouTube | UK | Media / PR |
Emily | Gough | EMX Mangement | UK | Agent |
Sean | Goulding | United Talent Agency | UK | Agent |
Joe | Grant | Bear Funny | UK | Venue |
Martyne | Green | PBJ Management | UK | Agent |
Ed | Grossman | Brackman Chopra LLP | UK | Other |
Julian | Hall | Textual Healing | UK | Media / PR |
Nick | Handford | Mick Perrin Worldwide | UK | Promoter |
James | Harrison | Really Useful Theatre Group | UK | Venue |
Kerry | Herbert | Stand-Up Marketing, Charity Chuckle | UK | Promoter |
Sarah | Higgins | Mirth Control | UK | Agent |
Christopher | Hogg | Institute of Creative and Cultural and Entrepreneurial Studies | UK | Other |
Tom | Hopewell | Route37 | UK | Manager |
Gaby | Jerrard | Gaby Jerrard PR | UK | Media / PR |
Sarah | Johnson | Mick Perrin Worldwide | UK | Promoter |
Rizal | Kamal | LOL Events Sdn Bhd | MY | Promoter |
Sytske | Kamstra | BySytske Ltd | UK | Producer |
Daniel | Katanchian | Avalon | UK | Agent |
James | Kelly | Storganise Ltd | UK | Service / Support |
Geoff | Knight | SOS Global Express | UK | Service / Support |
Ryan | Lane | Warrener Stewart | UK | Other |
Nathalie | Laurent-Marke | Mick Perrin Worldwide | UK | Agent |
Janette | Linden | PBJ Management | UK | Agent |
Sharon | Lockyer | Centre for Comedy Studies Research (CCSR) | UK | Other |
Eric | Looge | [PIAS] Comedy | NL | Other |
Carl A H | Martin | | UK | Consultancy |
Mike | McCarthy | Lakin McCarthy Entertainment Ltd | UK | Producer |
Mamie | McKie | The Leadmill Ltd | UK | Venue |
Debbie | McWilliams | Scottish Exhibition + Conference Centre | UK | Venue |
Elspeth | Millar | British Stand-Up Comedy Archive | UK | Other |
Mai Irini | Mior Anwar Mazhar | LOL Events | MY | Promoter |
Anna | Modéer Wiking | Anagram | SE | Festival |
Aishah | Mohammed Said | Malaysia Major Events | MY | Other |
Christopher | Molineux | LaughLearnLead | UK | Other |
Vicky | Morris | Sue Terry Voices | UK | Media |
Jules | Munns | The Nursery | UK | Other |
Tony | Nagamaiah | Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau | MY | Other |
Andrew | Netto | LOL Events Sdn Bhd | MY | Promoter |
Paul | Newman | AXS | UK | Other |
Samuel | Nunn | RBM | UK | Agent |
Beth | Okogba | The Leadmill Ltd | UK | Venue |
Hannah | Oldman | Old Man Management Ltd | UK | Agent |
Richard | Ormond | ticketscript | UK | Other |
Alexander | Parsonage | Finger in the Pie | UK | Other |
Ali | Peek | Plug | UK | Venue |
Mary | Pelling | Luton Culture | UK | Venue |
Alex | Petty | Laughing Horse | UK | Promoter |
Jake | Pickford | Jake Pickford | UK | Other |
Sara-Jane | Power | Royal Albert Hall | UK | Venue |
Chris | Quaile | GetComedy | UK | Agent |
Alex | Rochford | The Producers UK | UK | Producer |
Kenneth | Rock | British Society of Comedy Writers | UK | Service / Support |
Gary | Roden | Ticketmaster UK Ltd | UK | Other |
Tim | Rudland | Integro Doodson | UK | Service / Support |
Julia | Safe | Larmer Tree Festival | UK | Festival |
Jeps | Salfischberger | MOJO concerts | NL | Promoter |
Joe | Splain | Academy Music Group | UK | Promoter |
Guy | Stevens | Jackanapes GmbH | CH | Promoter |
Jurgen | Strack | Giving World | UK | Manager |
Adele | Taylor | | UK | Media |
Caroline | Taylor | Sparkle Productions Ltd. | UK | Other |
Rob | Taylor | Plug | UK | Venue |
Ryan | Taylor | The Pleasance | UK | Venue |
Okan | Tombulca | eps gmbh | DE | Service / Support |
Andy | Townsend | UTA | UK | Agent |
Gil | Uliamperl | Sabres Group LTD | IL | Promoter |
Susan | Verlaque | Scottish Exhibition + Conference Centre | UK | Venue |
Stephen | Watson | Entertainment Agent | UK | Agent |
Rachael | Welsh | The Lowry Theatre | UK | Venue |
Bjorn | Wentlandt | Avalon Promotions, Ltd. | UK | Promoter |
James | West | West Creative Ltd | UK | Service / Support |
Ruth | Weston | Barclaycard Arena and Genting Arena | UK | Venue |
Geoff | Whiting | Mirth Control | UK | Agent |
Joshua | Wildenberg | Caustic Comedy Events | NL | Producer |
Alice | Winckle | Plug | UK | Venue |
Steve | Zapp | ITB | UK | Agent |
Thanks 2015
We would like to thank everybody who made this sixth edition possible:
All comics, delegates, speakers, sponsors and volunteers, plus Sarah Aitken, Anthony Alderson, Ally Andrews, Gavin Arnold, Ashley Beckman-Whelan, Tom Bertels, Joshua Boland-Burrell, Charlie Briggs, Adam Dahrouge, Annie Day, Kirsty Fairclough- Isaacs, Ben Ferris, Jim Frayling, Raya Gancheva, Rollo Goldstaub, Emily Gough, Julian Hall, Patrick Hallett-Morley, Nick Handford, Julian Hall, Julia Heyne, Sarah Higgins, Christopher Hogg, Martin Hopewell, Erin & Dan Hull, Gaby Jerrard, Eric Looge, Carl A H Martin, Kay Martin, Rizal Kamal, Christine McKinnon, Jules Munns, Paul Newman, Lynne Parker, Alexander Parsonage, Mick Perrin, Alex Petty, Jean Paul van de Plasse, Alex Rochford, Avisar Savir, Jacob Schuhle-Lewis, Imogen Sebba, Becky Singh, Dan Smiles, Martin Steffen, Caroline Taylor, Ryan Taylor, Okan Tombulca, Josephine Tremelling, Gil Uliamperl, Brett Vincent, Marijn van der Waa, Tina Waters, Bjorn Wentlandt, James West, Hayley White, Geoff Whiting, Steve Zapp, friends, family, all staff at the Pleasance and the many others that helped to realize this event in many different ways.
Thank you all!
We look forward to seeing you all again in October 2016.
The Comedy International Conference & Showcase is produced by Sytske Kamstra BySytske Ltd