
CIC8 took place on Wednesday 4th October 2017. In 2018 we took a year off. Partially due to other commitments and also to give everyone a chance to maximise those connections made over the last 7 years at the CIC and come back with new success stories, ready to meet more new people and catch up with existing contacts in person.

For CIC9 we are looking to broaden the event slightly, give the UK industry more space and welcome more television, radio and potentially additional Comedy genres. However this all depends on the needs of the industry. So before we will announce details, we request your input. Please complete the survey below:


Registration details will be published here nearer to the event.

Who can register? As we want to offer a serious Comedy conference with the opportunity to meet people working in the industry we will give priority access to professionals. In case of doubt we will request for you to supply us with a reference of a Comedy International Member.